Successful CRE brokers need a personal CFO who can develop and implement an individualized financial plan and strategy in addition to overseeing all the other professionals who may be advising them. It is inefficient to act as your own CFO, as your time is better spent canvassing for new clients and opportunities than trying to manage and keep up with changes to all things personal finance, tax, legal, bookkeeping, etc. You also don’t want to spend your limited free time recreating the wheel when it comes to being a financially successful CRE broker.

Our firm is uniquely positioned to act as your personal CFO. We’ve already figured it out and we can take this responsibility off your plate. We create leverage for you to do what you do best: finding the next big deal. We can’t lease your vacant office space or sell your next building, but we can make sure you’re doing everything possible to keep more of what you earn and avoid costly mistakes.

The true value of any financial advisor is being able to communicate the experiences of other people in similar situations, with similar questions, challenges, and opportunities. What did those other folks do? What were the pros and cons? How did it work out and what might they have done differently?

We are here to give you expert advice and help you make the best-informed financial decisions. How much better suited can it be than for your financial advisor to specialize in working with people in your industry – CRE brokers?

We have seen the opportunities and have navigated the challenges. We know why you are considering leaving your current brokerage firm in the difficult 1099 world to be paid W-2 leasing space for an owner/developer instead. We know it is tough creating your own opportunities in an “eat what you kill” environment. We’ve seen brokers go from seven-figure income to zero, and not just because your industry is cyclical and recessions affect you.

You could be a landlord’s representation and have your primary office buildings sold to a new owner who decides to go with a different brokerage firm for their leasing needs. It’s not a recession, your office broker colleagues are doing well, and this shock only hits you. We’ve seen it and have successfully navigated it financially.

On the flip side, maybe you are a retail broker whose biggest client mentions they need industrial space. You refer it to the industrial team in your office and your revenue share in that deal is the largest of your career! Good news, since you’re already working with us we’ve set you up in the right way to receive income long before this transaction closes.

You don’t need to do this on your own and you shouldn’t wait years for your financial advisor and accountant to learn the nuances of your industry and career. You are probably your advisor’s only client who is a CRE broker. Their learning curve is your opportunity cost.